Faggioli G, Guazzo A, Marchesin S, Menotti L, Trescato I, Aidos H, Bergamaschi R, Birolo G, Cavalla P, Chiò A, Dagliati A, de Carvalho M, Di Nunzio GM, Fariselli P , García Dominguez LM, Gromicho M, Longato E, Madeira SC, Manera U, Silvello G, Tavazzi E, Tavazzi E, Vettoretti M, Di Camillo B, Ferro N. Overview of iDPP@ CLEF 2023: the intelligent disease progression prediction challenge. In: Int Conf of the Cross-Language Ev Forum for Europ Lan. Cham: Springer Nat Switz, 2023

Next week we will attend the 17th Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics conference (CIBB 2021) with three contributions related to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis heterogeneity and progression, and to wellbeing perception in the elderly population

  • Identifying extreme behaviours in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis patients at diagnosis through Archetypal Analysis” (Trescato I, Tavazzi E, Vettoretti M, Vasta S, Chiò A, Di Camillo B).
  • Inspecting Progression Trajectories in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis using Process Mining” (Tavazzi E, Gatta R, Vallati M, Cotti Piccinelli S, Filosto M, Castellano M, Di Camillo B).
  • Linear regression modelling to assess the impact of socio-economic, demographic and health-related variables on wellbeing in the elderly population” (Trescato I, Roversi C, Vettoretti M, Di Camillo B, Facchinetti A). 

For more details, check the conference website: http://www.isa.cnr.it/cibb2021/