Next week we will attend the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Conference (BBCC 2022) with 2 oral communications & 3 poster contributions

  • Oral communication: “Differential cellular communication analysis across multi-condition and multi-patient scRNA-seq data” (G. Cesaro, G. Baruzzo, B. Di Camillo)
  • Oral communication: “An agent-based simulator for microbial communities’ evolution” (M. Bellato, M. Cappellato, A. Calzavara, S. Rebecca, A. Lucchiari, B. Di Camillo)

  • Poster contribution: “Somatic read simulators: how to build a realistic gold standard using data from well-annotated cancer databases” (E. Hazizaj, F. Longhin, G. Baruzzo, B. Di Camillo)
  • Poster contribution: “Simulation of ground truth interaction networks from microbial community model” (A. Rossato, M. Cappellato, G. Baruzzo, B. Di Camillo)
  • Poster contribution: “Simulate tumor microenvironment evolution from sequencing data through a hybrid Multi-Agent Spatio-Temporal model” (G. Cesaro, M. Milia, G. Baruzzo, P. Alotto, N.F. da Cunha Carvalho de Miranda, Z. Trajanoski, F. Finotello, B. Di Camillo)

For more details, check the conference website:

A thrilled experience @ 21st European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB) in Sitges, Barcellona

Just come back from ECCB2022 in Sitges, Barcellona. We had the opportunity to participate (finally in presence) in this great conference. Lots of talks, new opportunities for collaboration and exchange of ideas. This is research and science!
A list of our contributions:
– Workshop: “Spatial transcriptomics and cell-cell communication modeling: new opportunities to study the cellular dynamics of biological systems” (Baruzzo G, Calura E, Risso D, Romualdi C, Sales G, García-Alonso L, Vento-Tormo R, Saez-Rodriguez J, Saeys Y)
– Tutorial: “Software containerization in bioinformatics: how to make reproducible, portable and reusable bioinformatics software&pipelines” (Baruzzo G, Di Camillo B, Cappellato M, Cesaro G, Milia M)
– Poster contribution: “Differential Abundance analysis of microbiome data: which tool and how to choose it?” (Cappellato M, Baruzzo G, Di Camillo B)
– Poster contribution: “Analysis of differential cellular communication from single cell RNA-seq data with scSeqComm” (Cesaro G, Baruzzo G, Di Camillo B)
– Poster contribution: “Temporal changes in microbiome composition after FMT in subject with Clostridioides difficile infection: a network perspective” (Cappellato M, Bellato M, Baruzzo G, Facchin S, Barzon L, Besutti V, Brun P, Del Favero S, Schenato L, Savarino EV, Castagliuolo I, Di Camillo B)
– Poster contribution: “Tumor microenvironment evolution simulated through a hybrid Multi-Agent Spatio-Temporal model informed using sequencing data” (Milia M, Cesaro G, Baruzzo G, Finco G, Morandini F, Lazzarini A, Alotto P, de Miranda NF, Trajanoski Z, Finotello F, Di Camillo B)
– Poster contribution: “Simulation of ground truth interaction networks from microbial community model” (Rossato A, Cappellato M, Nikoloska N, Baruzzo G, Di Camillo B)

iDPP@CLEF 2022 in Bologna – Where  Experimental Information Retrieval Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction

Our team attended the International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages 2022 in Bologna, Italy. We had the opportunity to present our work concerning the intelligent Disease Progression Prediction challenge ( providing valuable insights on the challenge organisation, evaluation framework, and baseline models development.

Next week we will attend the 18th Annual Meeting of the Bioinformatics Italian Society (BITS 2022) with 2 oral communications & 3 poster contributions

  • Oral communication: “Simulate personalized tumor microenvironment evolution through a hybrid Multi-Agent Spatio-Temporal model informed by sequencing data” (Cesaro G, Milia M, Baruzzo G, Alotto P, da Cunha Carvalho de Miranda NF, Trajanoski Z, Finotello F, Di Camillo B)
  • Oral communication: “From microbial community model to interaction networks” (Rossato A, Cappellato M, Nikoloska N, Baruzzo G, Di Camillo B)

  • Poster contribution: “Differential cellular communication analysis from single cell RNA sequencing data with scSeqComm” (Cesaro G, Baruzzo G, Di Camillo B)
  • Poster contribution: “Implementation of a Python simulator for microbial communities’ evolution via agent-based modeling” (Bellato M, Calzavara A, Cappellato M, Rebecca S, Lucchiari A, Di Camillo B)
  • Poster contribution: “Uncover a microbiota signature of upper respiratory tract in patients with SARS-CoV-2+ nasopharyngeal swab to develop a diagnostic assay predictive of clinical outcome” (Cappellato M, Longhin F, Del Vecchio C, Brancaccio G, Bellato M, Cattelan AM, Brun P, Salaris C, Castagliuolo I, Di Camillo B)

For more details, check the conference website:

Our PI Prof. Barbara Di Camillo will talk at the workshop in honor of Giorgio Parisi (Nobel Laureate for Physics 2021) organized by the Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL

On May 10th 2022, the Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL organizes a workshop on Complex Systems: from Physics to Biomedicine in honor of Giorgio Parisi, Nobel Laureate for Physics 2021. The meeting will be introduced by Corrado De Concini, President of the Accademia, Maria Cristina Messa, Italian Minister of University and Research, and Roberto Gualtieri, Mayor of Rome. Giorgio Parisi will open the workshop, where new approaches to investigate the complexity of natural and man-made systems will be discussed.
Our PI, Prof. Barbara Di Camillo, will held a talk entitled “FROM SINGLE-CELL TO MULTI-CELLS INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANALYSIS”.
Here the full programme