ECCB 2022 “New Trends in Bioinformatics” – Tutorial (NTB-T07): Software containerization in bioinformatics: how to make reproducible, portable and reusable bioinformatics software&pipelines

This webpage contains the material (links, slides, container definition files, container images, etc.) for the tutorial “Software containerization in bioinformatics: how to make reproducible, portable and reusable bioinformatics software&pipelines” (NTB-T07) organised under the umbrella of New Trends in Bioinformatics by ECCB.

Before coming to the venue, participants are invited to download the material below.

Tutorial details

Tutorial details (schedule, program, date, time, room, etc.) are available in the ECCB 2022 website at this link.


Tutorial slides in pdf format are available on Google Drive.

Theory slides (first part of the tutorial):

Hands on slides (second part of the tutorial):

Supporting material

Supporting materials (e.g. container images, container definition files, scripts) are already included in the virtual machine (VM); if you are using the VM, you don’t need to download them. If you are not using the VM, or you erroneusly delete/modify a file from the VM, you can find the supporting materials in the following Google Drive folders:

Theory supporting material (first part of the tutorial):

Hands on supporting material (second part of the tutorial):

Virtual machines

Virtual machines containing a working environment (e.g. Singularity, Docker) to reproduce tutorial examples and hands on are available at this link. Participants interested in practising during the tutorial are strongly encourage to use the provided virtual machine.

Download link: