2nd Workshop on Process Mining for Healthcare

The 2nd Process Mining for Healthcare (PM4HC) Workshop that our Post-doc Erica Tavazzi organized together with Roberto Gatta, Lucia Sacchi, and Arianna Dagliati from the Universities of Brescia and Pavia took place yesterday.
It was a great occasion to explore the work in progress in a number of Italian institutions where new methodologies and useful applications are shedding a light on the processes happening in healthcare. Our group also had the pleasure to present our recent research on the investigation of the effectiveness of a data-driven approach to statistical analysis and its applications to Melanoma and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
A big thank you goes to SIBIM – Italian Scientific Society of Biomedical Informatics – for sponsoring this nice event, to the University of Brescia for generously hosting the workshop, and to all the onsite and online participants for their impressive contributions and the very fruitful open discussion!