In two weeks we will attend the 19th Annual Meeting of the Bioinformatics Italian Society (BITS 2023) with 1 oral communication & 3 poster contributions

  • Oral communication: “CClens: effective and efficient differential cellular communication analysis of large-scale single-cell RNA sequencing data” (G. Cesaro, G. Baruzzo, B. Di Camillo)

  • Poster contribution: “Data-driven meta-simulation of realistic tumoral samples” (F. Longhin, E. Hazizaj, G. Baruzzo, B. Di Camillo)
  • Poster contribution: “mopo16Sweb: a cloud-based app for multi-objective optimization of bacterial 16S PCR primers” (M. Milia, N. Ferro, B. Di Camillo, G. Baruzzo)
  • Poster contribution: “From microbial ground truth network simulation to inference method benchmark” (M. Baldan, A. Rossato, M. Bellato, G. Baruzzo, B. Di Camillo)

For more details, check the conference website: